About the Presenter:
After finishing medical studies in Geneva, Switzerland, Jerome Bovet has obtained the Swiss Federation of Doctors specialisation in Ophtalmology and Ophtalmic surgery FMH.
He is now Medical Director of OnO (Ophthalmologic Network Organisation) wich is a Network of outpatient surgery clinics.
He is President of ESOPES, European Society of Out-Patient Eye Surgery and member of
many societies of Ophtalmology in Europe, America and Asia.
He continues to organise many meetings with lifesurgery and takes part in many congresses all around the world.
He is President of PRESBYMANIA wich is the first worldwide free webinar about presbyopia wich is spread on the web all around the web.
He has received many honors and golden medal from many surgical ophtalmology society.
In 2008 he is nominated Visiting Professor at J.J Hospital the leading Ophthalmologic Public Hospital at Mumbai in India.